Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why Money is just awesome...not so much.

I hate very few things, but when I do hate something, I hate it with a burning passion. One thing I hate, and hate with aforementioned burning passion is money. Yes, that money, the one you used the other day to put gas in your car that you payed for with money and are using money to insure. It all ties into this vicious cycle.
I'm not one of those people who believes in worldwide money conspiracy theories, I hate money for a few small yet significant reasons.
Lists are effective:

1. It creates tension in relationships, namely mine sometimes.

I'm not sure if my significant other feels the tension, but I do. I don't make a considerable amount of money although I make more than the average twenty-year-old. I use the money I have to pay for my car which carts me back and forth to make money. (I'm not bashing my car, I LOVE my car and I love tuning it and yeah, I'm into cars...anyways) But when the weather gets bad and I can't go into work (You can't wash/detail cars in the rain), I have something like $20 to my name. This isn't a huge problem for me personally because I've got enough tobacco to last me until the next payday and I can almost always scrounge up some gas money.
The problem is that my girlfriend has to pay for things if she doesn't want to stay home. I don't know about you but I was raised as a gentleman and I absolutely hate when my girlfriend pays for my meal or whatever it may be. Maybe it's a stubbornness, but either way, it doesn't sit well with me.
What it comes down to is that money, or lack thereof, is preventing me from going out and being able to provide for my girlfriend as I'd like to, creating some unnecessary tension.

moving on...

2. You can never have enough of it.

This is rather self-explanatory, but money never lasts for a significant amount of time. My parents are always telling me to save my money but how am I supposed to do that when I have to pay for insurance, gas, and some minor eating out and having fun. In order to effectively save money, I'd have to stay in my house 80% of the time, and what kind of life is that?

3. People judge you based on the amount of money you have.

This is just ridiculous. I don't do this personally but I know a lot of people that do this, whether they do it consciously or not. It's really quite sad.

I suppose it's just something I have to change my outlook on. There's just only so much attitude-changing that can be done when need money to get around whether you like it or not.

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