Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Early November

Great band. Enjoy.

A much needed update

As this blog has been all but ignored for quite a long time, I'll do my best to catch up. School is the same crap day in and day out with the exception of my philosophy class and my short fiction class. When you leave a 3-hour class feeling totally invigorated, you know it was a good class. As for work, McDonald's continues to be the cesspool of Capitalist undertones that plagues my week. This may seem melodramatic but if you ever get a job there, you'll totally understand where I'm coming from.
As for the romantic life, I'm finding that there's not as much to it as I once thought. There are few things a determined individual can actively accomplish in this area of one's life. It's seemingly much more effective to let whatever sort of fate exists to just take it's course.
Where friend's are concerned, I'm apparently good at driving them away, save a few. Either this is the case, or I need to come up with a more effective method of determining the character of a person as soon as possible.
Where reading is concerned, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is a wonderful read. I'm almost done with it and I'm surprised I'm getting as much out of it as I am.
I've been wallowing in a little too much philosophical struggle recently and I think it would be better for my mental and physical health for me relax a little more. I think way too much about things that I don't think I can change. I realize this sounds very ethereal and you may not really care. But what if I CAN change these things? Then it becomes relevant.
I'll try to shoot another post up here soon, and overall in a more regular manner.