Friday, July 31, 2009

Hookah, Cars, and Conversation.

I went out with my friend Justin, his friend Tasha, and her boyfriend Aaron (spelling?). Since Tasha is an interesting character fit for her own blog all on her own, I assumed she'd have an equally off-kilter but good-natured boyfriend. At first he didn't seem like it but he opened up a very interesting topic of conversation that I soaked in pretty well.
Building off of a conversation about college, he made a more generalized statement about how the past and the future are totally insignificant when it comes to the things that really matter, for several reasons. The past should obviously be kept in mind somewhat as to learn from one's mistakes but it must not control your thoughts. The future will work itself out if you focus on how you live your life in the presence.
The part that really hit home for me was the part about the past. He unknowingly brought all my past relationships and the regrets and emotions tied to those relationships. He mentioned something about how it's not the events or situations in the past that create the problems, it's the emotion that's tied to those events, and how one relates to those events. I realized that it had taken my something like two years to get over one of my ex-girlfriends all because of my lack of understanding of this concept. My regrets about my academic decisions and lack thereof has also been influencing my negatively. It's all a process. Life is graded on a curve so there's really nothing to worry about but the present, and life's easy to handle moments at a time.
In essence, this stranger opened a lot of doors for me, and shut a lot of doors that have been been open far too long. So thanks Aaron, you helped me more than you know with a few sentences. It's been a long day, I'm going to bed. Cheers.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

ramblings and pipes

It's been a very long time since I've actually missed someone. Maybe it's because I'm a cold-hearted SOB, but I doubt that's the reason. Ashley's gone for two weeks on the East Coast and I'm missing her after a day. This could be a very long two weeks.
On a non-emo note, I've been enjoying my tobacco pipe from Dean for my birthday. The first time I tried it, I was less than impressed but I'm glad I gave it another shot. Talk about a relaxing activity. Enjoying a pipe is something I can see becoming a more regular occurrence. I'm also in need of a new interesting book to read. My recent choices have been failing me. A trip to the store is in order. Wish me luck. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Seeing Third Eye Blind is always amazing.
The first time I had the privilege of seeing them I was hoping for them to play my favorite song, I Want You, and alas they did not.
When I saw them at the beautiful Ventura Theatre, they played I Want You in an acoustic set. It was ecstasy. Here's another song they played from that very same
show. Cheers.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's been a very long time since I've been in a somewhat serious relationship, and that's not to say that this is serious or anything, I'm just saying it's more than messing around.
On the school front, I'm taking a summer class, which sucks, but at least I'm getting some work out of the way.
My car is running beautifully, and looking good.
This blog was in desperate need of an update.