Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Frog Morton revisited and helping people

If you've read my previous post about a new pipe tobacco I'm trying out, Frog Morton on the Bayou, then you've probably been on the edge of your seat for the past few days, waiting to find out what I think about it, but you probably haven't. After smoking several bowls of it, I like it more than I did when I first enjoyed it but it's not my top favorite English blend. In the beginning of the smoke, it smokes cool and sweet yet without losing that strong Latakia and Perique flavors. About 2/3rds of the way through the bowl, it has a tendency to smoke much hotter and it begins to take on a sort of damp taste which I really don't care for at all.
So all in all, I'm a fan of this tobacco although it will probably be something I buy only on occasion.

Now totally unrelated to pipe smoking or anything of the sort, while I ramble on about pipe tobacco, there are people in Haiti who don't even have a box to sleep in. The majority of us are busy people and cannot afford to travel to Haiti to help those in need, but there is a way to help, and that's economically.
If you've read anything ever about American history in the last hundred or so years, you probably ran across American policy in Latin America, and if you have not, let me tell you, it's really not pretty at all.
I see America's wealth in this tragedy as an opportunity to improve the world's opinion of us a tiny bit.
I'm not going to be the guy who attempts to lay a guilt trip on you and tell you that you're a horrible person if you can't donate $10, because in all honesty, I myself can't even afford to spare $10 of my money right now. But if you can afford to, please do. We're all people, and we really should help each other. For those of you who can afford to donate, I'll make it easy on you, here's a link to the Red Cross


and if you're even more lazy, here's a link to the donation form


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