Monday, October 11, 2010

Some internal conflict to make you feel more at peace

Recently I find myself torn between convictions. This is happening in my political thoughts as well as my philosophical thoughts. I'm struggling between my desire to help people and my thoughts that people should work to help themselves. While these ideas may not seem so contradictory, there's extremely difficult to resolve in my own mind. I'm hoping that physically writing out these frustrations may help to quell the conflicting desires in me.

I also find myself torn between my interest in technological gadgets and entertainment and my belief in the naturally occurring goodness of simplicity, which cannot easily coexist with all the distractions that accompany technology.

What think you?

On another note, I've been really enjoying La Aroma De Cuba cigars in their smaller form. If you can get your hands on one, snag it. A truly tasty smoke.