Friday, February 12, 2010

God told Me to Do it.

I'm typically not one for news from the Middle-East. It's always something that makes me think less of humanity. In this case, it's Religion with a capital "R" that is rearing it's ugly head.

At the end of January, two men were executed for being Mohareb, or enemies of God.

Religion does a lot of nasty things on which I could write an entire book about but when it comes to things like this, it's a truly sad moment. Most likely, these men committed some political crime the details of which are too sensitive to be released, so they are made into demons instead.
It gets so tiring hearing about crimes that are brought on by faith in one form or another. For all the people dying for Religion, you would think that more people would have figured out by now that it's not really a positive influence in the world. Whether it be the crusades or a young Christian man who feels ashamed for having sexually explicit thoughts, Religion, particularly fundamentalism is a damaging force in the world, whether it be on a large scale or on a small scale.

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