Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Friend in Art 101

Granted he likes to throw his political opinion into his lectures more than is necessary, but my Art History professor, Dr. Davisson is an intelligent likable professor. This morning one of the girls in the back of the class decided to question his methods of examination, and asked in a rude way if we were allowed to leave when the ten-minutes test was over. It's not her question asking that grates on my nerves and patience; it's her tone of voice. It has several different tones overall ranging from annoyingly rude and out of place to authority-challenging and all of them are obnoxious. Not to mention she has to correct the professor on the pronunciation of her name every class, which she does in an aggravated annoying manner. The fact that she's won over the assistance of those students sitting around doesn't help either. I may have a hard time tolerating this much longer.

On a different and slightly less annoyed note, my lack of friends and female company is continuing to relax me. I find that I care less about my phone, which I love; I care more about what book I'm going to read when I get home, which is good; and my overall level of stress (which was never super-high) continues to decrease. I don't really need to be around friends 24/7 to be content, I just used them as more of a crutch in order to avoid boredom. Cheers to being a loner, well, not really.

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