Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pipe Smoking and Online Book Buying

So I recently went through the resource-consuming drudgery of purchasing my books for this semester and I decided to check several different places online to see what the difference in prices was like. On a lot of places akin to, with Amazon included, I found the prices for both new and used books to be generally reasonable for what I was buying. I then decided to check Barnes and Noble because I was also curious to see how much it would cost me to just drive over to my local B&N and purchase all my books there (which I wouldn't be able to do anyways, they would have to be ordered). It suffices to say I was shocked. The prices at Barnes and Noble were grossly inflated when placed next to the exact same book on
I could not believe it. But anyways, I suppose that little story was just to tell you to never, ever shop on Barnes and Noble online, unless you wish to unnecessarily burn through all your money holus-bolus.
I've been ever-increasingly enjoying my pipe. I recently picked up several new tobaccos from a nearby shop and tried some new ones. I've learned that I'm going to have to shop online for tobaccos due to the pathetic selection and variety available to me where I live (the conservative arm pit of southern California). I've also made a couple pipe videos on youtube partially due to the gentle coercion from a fellow whom I talked to from that community. So far it's an enjoyable thing, but there's nothing like writing a blog. It feels more satisfying than making a video, not to mention the effort involved in making a video sometimes defeats the point I think. We shall see how that goes. Cheers.

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