Friday, September 25, 2009

What I'm not proud of.

Envy is one of seven deadly sins.
I usually enjoy partaking in one form or another of the seven cardinal sins but envy is one I don't particularly care but unfortunately I seem to be disposed to spending time with envy's cousin, jealousy.
Whenever it comes to my girlfriends, I can be really jealous if another guy is spending time with my girlfriend when I'm not around, even if it does seem perfectly innocent.
I have no idea why I have this trait but I most definitely dislike it. I can't seem to help but be possessive of my girlfriends. I wish I knew why I am.
I've thought of several reasons why I could be...
1. I like what I have and the idea of not having it brings me displeasure.
2. I don't want other people to enjoy what I enjoy in that context. (Selfish, I know.)
3. I'm just an inherently bad person.

Now the last one is probably not true because I really don't think anyone is inherently bad, but I need to through it in there because a list of two is hardly a list at all.

Either way, I hope this trait of mine tames itself and tones down in the future, because it's something I'm not proud of at all.

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