Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Political insomniac

So I can't sleep, and I've decided to delve into a light reflection on the presidential debate from this evening.
Both candidates were on top of their game tonight, offering up quick and intelligent rebuttals to each others arguments. My final opinion on them is that they have far more in common than most notice, or care to pay attention to.
Both McCain and Obama are rallying under the "change" flag when I highly doubt either one will truly change this country into anything more spectacular than it is now. Both are most likely interested in propagating the advancement of their own wealth, which is understandably human, but seems less than such when proclaiming to be just the opposite. Did that sentence make sense?
Anyways, however cliche, it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. I'm really not a huge fan of politicians to begin with, but seeing as I'm given the right to vote in this country, whether or not my vote has any impact, I enjoy exercising my right.
Now I have been pretty much set on my vote for Obama, and the more I see of him and McCain, the more I feel like I couldn't vote for John McCain. He throws in too much with the Bush ideas of "staying the course" and "doing the hard work." It's just political bullshit. If anyone is going to bring a fresh face and point of view to D.C., it's senator Barack Obama, so I'm officially voting for him. Why? Because I believe that he's what this country needs, at least more so than this country needs another fiscally conservative Republican president. He may be inexperienced, he may be different than all the others who could be in his position as of now, but he seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and a large (functioning) brain in his head, therefore I'm voting Obama. I hope I won't regret my decision in the future. Don't let me down Barack; I'm pulling for you.

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