Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cody? Je ne sais pas...

What's worse than falling behind in a foreign language class?

Losing the book for said class. That pretty much spells failure.

Guess what I did? Yes, I lost the stupid book.

But this story gets better for me. I went to see my french professor during her office hours for a little bit of assistance I was having trouble with. During our conversation, she said, "Well it will help a lot if you look on page 264 of your text book. Do you have your book with you?"

I reminded her that I had accidentally left in under my desk in class a couple weeks ago, and I didn't have $100 to buy another one (expensive even used), and to make a short story shorter, she blessed with the privilege of borrowing her brand spanking new teachers edition of the textbook until the end of the semester. Merci beaucoup Madame Aponte!

1 comment:

coleman said...

The French are always rolling over...